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Sea Scorpion: Parahughmilleria hefteri

Sea Scorpion: Parahughmilleria hefteri
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499,00 EUR
Product no.: EUDE 2

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Here we offer you a slab with a fossilized Euypterid Parahughmilleria hefteri. Eurypterids are also called “Sea Scorpions”.

The piece comes from the Lower Devonian (Lower Klerf Layers) of the Olkenbacher Mulde / Eifel in Germany.

The exhibit is well preserved and shows a lot of interesting details

In addition to the eurypterids, the stone also contains plant fossils of "Taeniocrada".

Fossils of these arthropods from Germany are rare to find and even rarer to purchase.

Attractive slab - no manipulaions!
Sea Scorpion: Parahughmilleria hefteri
Sea Scorpion: Parahughmilleria hefteri
Sea Scorpion: Parahughmilleria hefteri
Sea Scorpion: Parahughmilleria hefteri
Sea Scorpion: Parahughmilleria hefteri