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Mayfly, Cretaceous age
highly detailed
239,00 EUR
Bat skull, jaw and bones
Pleistocene age cave find ON HOLD
149,00 EUR
Paramblypterus - permian fish
high quality one!
349,00 EUR
Claudiosaur partial skeleton
165,00 EUR
Stone age bone tools
seven carved animal bones
69,00 EUR
Peteinosaurus tooth - triassic age flying reptile

This tooth belonged to one of the earliest Pterosaurs ever existed!

99,00 EUR
Weylandia - Devonian plant
from the oldest forest of the world!
599,00 EUR
Rhenanoperca, Messel pit
rarely offered, old find SOLD
Palaeoperca, Messel-fish
interesting: ventral position SOLD
Arthropod tracks, Devonian age
Rarity from unusual location
349,00 EUR
Palaeobalistum - a real giant!
Top piece!
3.900,00 EUR
Drepanophycus - Devonian rarity!
super-rare opportunity
499,00 EUR
Wonderful fossil fern
from unusual location!
1.200,00 EUR
Shark tooth Lebachacanthus
permian age, rarely offered
99,00 EUR
Pachypteris rhomboidalis
high quality rare fern
299,00 EUR
Pterosaur jaw, Solnhofen
Extremely rare!
5.800,00 EUR
Coelacanth Osteolepis
Orkney islands
199,00 EUR
Shark skull Lebachacanthus
2.499,00 EUR
Bird partial skeleton
Famous Messel pit ON HOLD
449,00 EUR
Apateon skeleton
both sides!
399,00 EUR
Bird bones from Messel

Affordable piece

379,00 EUR
Flagellipinna Rhomboides
Great piece! ON HOLD
1.499,00 EUR
Sea Scorpion: Parahughmilleria hefteri
Rarity from Germany
499,00 EUR
Garfish baby
famous Messel pit
349,00 EUR
Eurypterids Parahughmilleria hefteri
German sea scorpions Reduced price!
399,00 EUR
Shark tooth Lebachacanthus pollichiae
Rarely offered Permian shark SOLD
Glanochthon, partial skeleton, 3-D preservation!
Rarely offerd species! SOLD
Flying reptile skull Solnhofen
Reduced price! Pterodactylus
7.999,00 EUR
Pecopteris spec., Permian era plant
classsic closed site
149,00 EUR
Annularia, great plant from closed classic location
Permian, Bad Sobernheim
149,00 EUR
Bird skull Odontopteryx gigas
Reduced price! pseudotoothed bird
4.399,00 EUR
Pterodactylus baby, rare flying reptile fossil
Reduced price! Solnhofen limestone!
6.499,00 EUR
Pterodactylus baby - rare flying reptile fossil
Reduced price! Solnhofen limestone
6.499,00 EUR
Plant Sapindopsis Anhouryi  pos/neg

Cretacous age

249,00 EUR
Shark egg carboniferous

museum quality!!! SOLD

Shark egg, Germany


Shark egg carboniferous age

Rare German fossil! SOLD

Shark egg with yolk and embryo remains

Soft tissue preservation! SOLD

Shark egg attached to plant

EXTREMELY RARE - museum item!!! SOLD

Shark egg, lower jurassic
Positive and Negative side!
399,00 EUR
Pleurosaur skull - top rarity!
Reduced price! Solnhofen limestone
2.299,00 EUR
Apateon skeleton
perfectly preserved with teeth
249,00 EUR
Elonichthys, permian German fishfossil
so called fried fish
119,00 EUR
Apateon with skin-preservation
Permian Temnospondyl
299,00 EUR
Skull of Glanochthon latirostre
Closed location!
289,00 EUR
Skeleton of Glanochthon latirostre
rare species from closed location SOLD
Show 1 to 50 (of in total 112 products)